So there’s a lot of other stuff going on right now (in the
world), but I saw this movie & just wanted to give it a mention / review
because of how much I liked it:

PLOT: Two former lovers, Troy and Jonathan, reunite after a long ago painful breakup. After spending several years in Spain , Troy returns to Los Angeles and decides to phone Jonathan and meet for coffee. A seemingly innocent rendezvous turns into an attempt to revive passions past. Only this time it's not that simple as Jonathan has a new beau, Raul, and is trying to make the right decision a second time around.
REVIEW: The trailer for this movie (below) was quite
confusing & I did not figure out the plot until I actually sat down to
watch it. Adding to my confusion was the
fact that the guy on the poster doesn’t look like anyone in the movie. (Turns out it’s actually one of the main
characters (Troy )
who normally has all his hair, but (spoiler!)shaves it halfway through the
But aside from these qualms, I found this movie
surprisingly well-written & acted with so much subtext dialogue that’s
delivered really well. The best scene (I feel) was the first “re-meeting” between
Jonathon & Troy at the Coffee shop; there was so much said about the two
hidden between the lines of their conversation & I found that
…. of course, I may be biased because all the
actors are really hot. So watch it for yourself and see if you agree. :-p
Interesting sidenote – this was originally a short film (5
minutes long!) called “Postmortem” consisting of only the coffee shop scene.