Thursday, November 21, 2013

Club Wish


....EVEN ONCE.  


:-(  :-(  :-(  :-(  :-(  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Have you seen "The Room"???

I was listening to NPR over the weekend (shocking, I know) & they were talking about the ‘so bad it’s good’ cult masterpiece that is "The Room"! It just reminded me of what’s great about watching a bad movie. 

Here’s a taste so you can see what you’re getting into: 

There are *SO MANY* hilarious scenes like this that’ve already been uploaded to Youtube that you could probably piece together the whole movie….but you probably still won't be able to figure out what the plot is.  

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Where to get your Funk on in November

The “Funk Turkey Dancehas become an annual tradition for a dance venue that I love to go to called Third Saturday Swing (aka “TSS”).  It is essentially a night for swing dancers like myself to dance to music *outside* the swing genre.

And yeah - usually, they play these genres of music everywhere, but how often do you get the opportunity to listen / dance to it when you have a dance partner there??  

They even have a “Jack & Jill” contest where you can dance to different genres! 

So I went (as I always do) and competed in hopes of placing (cuz the prizes are pretty sweet).  But man, people really ‘bring it’ to this one.  Check it out:  

Monday, November 18, 2013

Gay-Straight Relations

So I was lurking around youtube last night & came across the following video dealing with the topic of why (some) gay guys hitting on straight men. 

While I guess I can see the logic behind the answers they give in this video, I was surprised that they don’t make the analogy between this & why (some) straight girls hit on gay men; I always thought the reasons for these two were the same: it’s considered ‘safe’ by the offending party so they feel they can do it without fear of being rejected. 

Let me explain: I’ve always heard that (again, some) straight women – aka ‘fag hags’ – are SUPER flirtatious with their GBFFs because they know he’s not attracted to them, so they feel like they can flirt however they want because the flirting is ‘harmless;’ “it doesn’t mean anything” because there’s no way it can actually get them anywhere. 

And they do it in a way they never would with a guy they know is straight.  Here’s another video I saw that I think best illustrates this (no offense to my straight-female-friend-offenders):

Obviously this logic doesn’t resemble any kind that we have on earth, but it’s still a valid theory…..and I’m pretty sure it’s the equivalent reason why (some) gay men hit on straight ones.  I know it’s the reason *I’ve* done it……

…..that one time. 

Seriously, it was only once, I swear!

……ANNNNND it was a long time ago. 

It doesn’t even matter.  I don’t know why I even brought it up.  It’s not like we’re even Facebook friends anymore.  

…..and the fact that we’re no longer FB friends had *nothing* to do with the flirting – which, again, was only once (and completely harmless).  

Monday, November 11, 2013

Life Update 11-11-2013

UGGGGH…. Everything is just happening all at once & who has time to write it down these days, amIrite?  But I’m going to try anyway, because blogging is a good way to let people know I haven’t died yet. 

WORK UPDATES:  I try never to talk specifically about work & my job / career for fear of them finding this blog & using it against me, but I feel like I can say without fear of repercussion that work has generally sucked ass for the past month and a half.  People have been let go (again!), leaving those of us who remain to pick up the pieces, lowering morale and essentially making me wonder why I’m still here. 

I know I say that all the time, but I think I really mean it now. 

Essentially, the only reason I am staying now is my commitment to my boss – who is honestly the best boss I’ve ever had (and I’ve worked for my mom).  If I ever become ‘management,’ I plan to model my philosophy after hers as best as I can. 

The only glimmer of ‘light at the end of the tunnel of suck’ is that some of the higher-ups recognize the hard work that I put in & are seeing the value that I contribute to the company.  I also got a couple minutes of ‘face time’ with some high-rankers in my department and it feels like they are considering me for bigger and better things.  And while that’s great, I’m not exactly sure how much I can count on that for anything. 

SOCIAL LIFE UPDATES:  In the few hours that I haven’t been slaving away at my job, I’ve been ‘putting myself out there’ by going to more social events – MOST of them gay-related (some are not): One has been gay “country” dancing at Oil Can Harry’s & another has been attending events put on by this meet-up group called “Gay Board Gaymers”.  My friend, Ryan, referred them to me & they’re a pretty fun group if I do say so myself! 

I even managed to meet a really cute guy there!  

We’ve been dating now for about a month & have been taking things kinda slowly because of major life events - he had to help his mom move to the Phillipines last month – so we’re still figuring out the ‘dating’ routine of how often we see each other and stuff.  But I totally like him: he’s smart, funny, nice…..all those incredibly ATTRACTIVE qualities that one looks for in a great boyfriend (he says, wondering if said boy is reading this)

…..and he’s a total SEXY nerd, too! 

He even took me to a legit comic convention called Bent Con: it’s catered towards the LGBT community & it was totally amazing!  I had no idea that this con even existed (or was so close to where I live)!  So I have him to thank for introducing me to all this. 

I’m trying my best to be cool & not overthink / expect too much out of him & this, but I feel really good about him.  HAPPY FACES ALL AROUND! 

OTHER STUFF UPDATES:  Going back to Hawaii for the Holidays (as usual) to visit my family & friends who live on the islands.  Staying till January 7th this time, so I’ll be around for New Year’s eve, too. 

I wish I updated this blog more than 3x a month…….!