Luckily, I found some time tonight! Now let's see.
I think I'm finally adjusting to being on my own. It was a little lonely at first & I didn't quite know what to do with myself (there were some long, aimless walks in the city at night and a few marathons of "Mad Men" on DVD on my Sunday afternoons), but I think I've finally remembered how to be single.
Being single has afforded me a few adventures this year, such as:
- seeing "They Might Be Giants" at the Anaheim House of Blues
- Vacationing in Des Moines, IA to see my ole' friend, Maren (pictures here!)
- Learning how to two-step (country western dancing)
- seeing a film (Documentary - "God loves Uganda") at Outfest 2013
But what I really wanted to write about in this post is whether I should start dating again.....and how exactly to go about doing that nowadays.
I felt the 'urge' last night when I was at Outfest with a friend of mine. I managed to sit in front of a rather tall guy whose head blocked the lower-center of the screen.....until he laid his head on (I assume) his boyfriend's shoulder.
And every so often during the movie, I would just watch them - one with his arm around the other - and get jealous. Envious, even.
But when the movie was over and people got out of their seats, I wondered if that's what I *really* wanted. I've gotten used to making my own plans and having something to do almost every night of the week - fitting in a date here & there's going to be difficult. But maybe I'm getting ahead of myself.....!
I'm really dreading going on dates again. Everybody I've asked has suggested "online dating" to me and, while I agree that it's a great way to meet new people (I know, I've tried it before), it tends to be a very.....mechanical(?) process.
There's all this pressure & investment in it, yet it makes me feel like I'm going to a job interview - to apply for the position of "boyfriend" or something - a position with an extremely selective screening process.
"Do you think this person *really* is the best candidate out there for this position? Or is there someone better out there?"
So yeah. Wondering about all that. If anyone has any thoughts / two-cents they'd like to contribute, feel free! That's what blogs are for, right?
Sorry for the ranting & lack of focus in this post. I'm a little drunk (it was a hard day at work today) & wanted to put a lot of things in this post that didn't really go together.
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