Saturday, January 18, 2014

So it's come to this....!

It's beginning to look like I can no longer blog from the office because of how busy (& stressful) my work has become.....!  

So I'm writing this post on a Saturday to break one of my cardinal blogging rules:  I'm gong to tell you how frustrating and seemingly pointless I find my job.   

For some reason, the workload has just been pouring in, non-stop, for the past four months and shows no signs of slowing down.  I am up to my ears in work and am barely staying on top of things thanks to some late hours and continuous help from the rest of my department - especially my boss.  

It's getting to the point where I'm seriously considering quitting despite all the 'well-laid plans' the company has for me to succeed my boss when she retires.  I just don't know if I can take it for much longer.  I know I'm not the only one - everyone who works on my floor seems stressed and cranky all the time.  

To make things worse, I am not even sure if my job will be around for much longer.  My department has managed to avoid company lay-offs for a while, but I think our time might be coming why the hell am I working so hard?  

Jeff's been amazingly supportive throughout all my 'coming-home-from-work' bad moods and 'bitchings about work' and thinks I'm due for a change.....

....but I dunno if I can bring myself to abandon everyone at work.  Everyone there is stretched thin enough as it is.  

Also - I haven't had to look for a new job in *years*; sheer luck landed me the one I have now and my job skills are pretty darn "specific"; database management for a system most people haven't heard of isn't exactly a hot commodity right now....!  

But it doesn't hurt to see what my options are. They say the best time to look for a job is while you still have one, so that's what I'm doing.  

In the meantime, Jeff & I are taking a quick vacation this three-day-weekend (MLK Jr, I could kiss you!) to a Bed & Breakfast up in Solvang (wherever that is) to celebrate our three-month anniversary.  (Telling you, I don't deserve that guy - xoxo)  I'll have to find time to write a post about it next week sometime.  

Now where did I leave my resume?  

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