Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Brand new Blog for a brand new blogger (sort of)

Hello Friends & well-wishers!  (the rest of you can just shut the hell up & leave)

This is my new blog now that Xanga is (pretty much)shutting down.  (they need to raise $15K by 7/15/2013 & I doubt they’re going to make it).  And I do did have a blog already set-up on here - you can check it out if you want – but I’m starting fresh with this one because it’s going to be more….integrated than any of my previous blogs were. 

See, I actually had 2 blogs set-up through Xanga – one for the public (acquaintances, co-workers, and anyone curious enough to do a Google search on me), and another, more private one to discuss personal things like: gripes I had have about my job; my love life (or sometimes lack thereof); & things that I related to because I’m gay. 

Most of it had to do with gay-related stuff.  (If you haven’t seen that particular blog, don’t worry; you probably wouldn't have found it interesting.  :-p) 

But as I've gotten older and (presumably) matured, I find that it’s getting harder for me to separate the two (at least in terms of blogging) so I wanted to ‘merge’ the two into this one all-encompassing blog. 

So, if you’re reading this, that means I trust you enough to be open with you about all that.  And I would take it as a personal favor if you didn't abuse that trust by telling people about this blog or re-posting it somewhere for everyone to see.  I’m not ashamed of who I am anymore or anything (and a lot of people have pretty good gaydar these days) but showing people this blog without my consent is pretty much ‘outing’ me to the world. 

And personally, I think that’s a shitty thing to do. 

So here’s my first post in my new blog.  Sorry that took so long - the only reason it took as long as it did was because I had a hard time thinking up what I should name this one.  

Speaking of which, 


I took it from this sketch from the Upright Citizen's Brigade:

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